But remember to be always up to date with the latest discount offers since some codes are available at a limited time offer only. Click the “Get Code” button on your preferred NordVPN promo code and copy it. Visit couponcode.ng for the list of available discount codes, promotions and coupons. But, if you don’t plan on using NordVPN’s services for more than a year, then you can also purchase their 1-year plan at a discounted price of $6.99/month or a total of $83.88, saving you 41% off the normal $143.40 purchase price. That’s 66% off the original 2-year plan price of $286.80. You just need to pay 24 months worth of service at a price of $95.75. Another popular discount offer is their $3.99/month offer for a 2-year plan. But with the NordVPN coupon, you can save 75% off the original price tag and just pay $107.55 for the 3-year plan.

Normally, you’d have to pay 3 years or 36 months worth of service upfront with a purchase price of $420. NordVPN’s most popular discount offer arguably is their NordVPN 3-Year Offer 75% off ($2.99/month) option which is fully refundable for 30 days. You just have to activate your coupon code to avail the discounts. Users can now browse the internet safely and securely at a much cheaper price using NordVPN coupons! It also doesn’t matter what plan option you choose since you’re still guaranteed to save anywhere between 41%-75% off the original price. Since NordVPN isn’t based in EU nor in US, the company isn’t obligated to collect any of its user’s personal information which means that NordVPN won’t record, monitor, store, share or log any of your online footprint. The company also boasts 5,100 servers in 62 countries allowing users to connect their device to a server somewhere else, anonymizing their connection. The company has developed a security and privacy tool that protects its users’ internet traffic using cutting-edge security technologies, using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with 256 bit-keys. NordVPN is a product worth considering if you’re concerned about protecting your Internet connection from prying eyes, ensuring you an online environment that’s much more safer for you than it is today.